Lymphatic Massage for
General Health and Wellbeing
A highly effective and healing massage technique, manual lymph drainage is a gentle rhythmic treatment that:
- Stimulates circulation of lymph fluid
- Nurtures the health of the lymphatic system
- Speeds up the removal of waste and toxins from the body, Including viruses, bacteria, cell debris, waste, edema, and pathogens.
- Helps the body deal with everyday insults, including emotional stress, environmental toxins and cellular waste buildup
- Alleviates suffering associated with headaches, fatigue, swelling, stress, and anxiety
- Boosts your health, immune system, and sleep quality
For optimal results, weekly lymphatic massage sessions are recommended until symptoms resolve.

Lymphatic Massage for
Autoimmune Disorders
Evidence suggests that in rheumatoid arthritis and to a lesser extent, systemic sclerosis, there is a dysfunction of the lymph system. Lymphatic massage can help regulate the healthy functioning of the lymphatic system and provide relief, especially from fatigue and high stress levels and pain. It is gentle enough that it can be provided even during an active flare.
Lymphatic massage treatment can be helpful for fighting autoimmune diseases including:
- Chronic Fatigue
- Hashimoto’s disease
- Lupus
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Fibromyalgia
For optimal results, weekly lymphatic massage sessions are recommended until symptoms are reduced.

Lymphatic Massage for
Lymphatic therapy is incredibly effective for detoxification. Since the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump, cellular debris and other toxins can build up in the tissues, causing discomfort and setting the stage for the development of many types of disease. Lymphatic massage for detox:
- Enhances the functioning of the body’s waste and removal system
- Removes toxins from the cells
- Shuttles toxins to the bloodstream where they can be eliminated by perspiration, urine, and bowel movements
- Is an essential part of any cleanse or detoxification program
For optimal results, Madelyn will create a customized detoxification plan and consult with your doctor if necessary.

Pre Surgical Massage
Set yourself up for a successful surgery and recovery with pre-surgical lymphatic massage. Lymphatic therapy sessions in the week prior to your surgery can help:
- Detoxify the surgical area
- Stimulate the immune system
- Allow surgeons to make cleaner incisions
- Prepare tissues for surgery by reducing inflammatory build-up
- Reduce bruising, swelling, and pain after your procedure
It’s best to schedule one session a week for your surgery and another session 3-4 days before your surgery, especially if you are having more than one area treated or have other health issues.
Post Surgical Massage

Post-surgical lymphatic massage helps support your body’s natural healing process. In the weeks following surgery, your lymphatic vessels are damaged and still regenerating. Gentle treatment of the affected area can help:
- Manually move excess fluid
- Alleviate pain and discomfort
- Reduce swelling and bruising
- Accelerate your body’s recovery process
- Prevent scar tissue and fibrosis formation
- Purge the body of anesthesia and medications used in surgery
- Decrease inflammation faster
- Create more white blood cells, thereby boosting the immune system and increasing the patient’s defenses
- Increase oxygenation of the tissues so they heal faster and more completely
- Decrease the need for post-surgical pain meds
Post surgical lymphatic massage typically begins 7 to 10 days after surgery and includes 4 to 10 sessions. Short sessions addressing general discomfort and swelling can be started in the first week as long as the surgery site itself is avoided. Post surgical lymphatic massage is most effective several times a week in the earlier stages of recovery. The healing process varies from person to person for a variety of reasons: type and extent of surgery, age, general health, physical activity levels, smoking, skin characteristics (in cosmetic procedures), and complications such as infection.
Madelyn will evaluate your needs and customize a post surgical plan to optimize your healing.

Orthopedic Surgery Recovery
One of the biggest concerns following an orthopedic surgery is the formation of scar tissue. Scar tissue can lead to chronic pain, swelling, and restrict your range of motion. Orthopedic Lymphatic massage helps:
- Reduce Swelling
- Treat and prevent the formation of scar tissue
- Promote a faster and more comfortable recovery
- Strength rehabilitation
- Increased range of motion
For optimal results, weekly lymphatic massage sessions starting 7-10 days post surgery are recommended throughout the healing period (typically 4-6 weeks).

Lymphatic Massage for
Cosmetic Surgery Recovery
Make a smooth transition to full recovery following your surgery. Lymphatic Massage for Cosmetic Surgery can help:
- Minimize scar formation
- Reduce swelling and pain
- Speed up the healing process
- Improve skin health
- Reduce scarring and bruising
You’ve no doubt spent many hours deciding on the best surgeon for you. Yet the results of your cosmetic procedure do not depend exclusively on the skill of the surgeon. Don’t skimp on your aftercare – it will allow you to get the greatest benefit from your surgical team’s expertise. With years of experience, Madelyn truly understands the specific healing processes associated with cosmetic procedures. She has had advanced training in post cosmetic procedure protocols to help in every stage of surgical recovery.

Lymphatic Massage for
Facelift Recovery
Manual lymphatic drainage is ideal for minimizing bruising, swelling, and scar formation after a facelift. The extremely gentle touch effectively addresses swelling without jarring any of the incisions. After surgical incisions have closed, and stitches have been removed or dissolved, lymphatic drainage around the incision area can:
- Soften skin
- Promote immunity
- Inhibit the formation of tissue buildup and thickening, leading to scarring.
- Soothe the pain receptors that signal the brain to interpret discomfort
- Remove excess fluid and increase circulation
- Prevent the buildup of toxins and acids in healing tissue.
- Deliver maximum oxygen to tissues to promote rapid healing
While the treatment protocol after a facelift is a little different for each client, a sample treatment plan would include:
- Week one: 1 or 2 short sessions to address general swelling, no work on the face
- Week two: 2 short sessions to address general swelling, no work on the face
- Week three: 2 60-min sessions, work on face as bandages allow
- Week four: 2 60-min sessions, including gentle work on the face and neck
- Week five: 1 60-min session, including gentle work on the face and neck
- Week six: 1 60-min session, including gentle work on the face and neck
- Ongoing as needed for swelling and discomfort.

Lymphatic Massage for
Liposuction Recovery
After a cosmetic surgery procedure, you may notice hardness, water retention, swelling, hematoma, or lumpiness of the areas treated. This is normal right after your surgery. This post-surgical lymphedema is caused by inflammation and trauma from the cannula used to remove the fat. The channels that are formed by the cannula fill up with fluid and the tissue around it becomes swollen. Manual lymphatic drainage helps to move the fluid by gently pumping it back into the lymph vessels, reducing swelling, retention of fluids, and pain after surgery. Without lymphatic massage, the inflammation can evolve into fibrosis (a permanent hardening of the tissue), or a seroma (a pocket of fluid that is hard to dissolve). Liposuction disturbs large areas of the dermis and underlying lymphatics, and therefore can create more swelling than other procedures. Early intervention is key in minimizing widespread discomfort.
Make a smooth transition to full recovery following your cosmetic surgery. Massage for liposuction recovery can help:
- Minimize scar formation
- Reduce bruising
- Reduce swelling and pain
- Speed up the healing process
- Improve skin health
- Smooth out skin and reduce bumpiness
Treatment can be started 24 hours after Lipo, but in the first week, treatments will be short and only address the general lymph system. Treatments can be more targeted once drainage tubes are gone and compression garments can be removed for short periods of time.
Although intensity and frequency of treatment is individually tailored to each client, a recommended protocol might look like this:
- Week one – 2-3 shorter (30-minute) sessions focused on general drainage paths only
- Week two- 2-3 45-60 min sessions
- Week three- 2 60-90 min sessions
- Week four- 1 60-90 min session
- Week five and ongoing – As needed for pain, swelling, and smoothing of the skin. It takes 12 weeks for the skin to remodel, so ongoing weekly or by monthly treatments are recommended for that period of time.
Patients undergoing liposuction using Endermologie, Synergie, or Venus need to wait 2 weeks before starting treatment.

Lymphatic Massage for
Tummy Tuck Recovery
A tummy tuck is major surgery, and must be treated as such. It’s much more than just a cosmetic procedure. Manual lymphatic drainage usually starts the first week after surgery. Patients receive short treatments every two or three days for the first two weeks, and as needed until tissues soften and edema is resolved. The intensity and frequency of treatment is individually tailored for each patient. The first several sessions will only address the drainage pathways leading away from the surgical site. Subsequent sessions will work closer to the abdomen as healing progresses and the muscle layers knit together. This is the suggested treatment protocol for post tummy tuck recovery:
- Week one – 2 to 3 30 min sessions
- Week two – 2 to 3 30 min sessions
- Week three – 2 60 min sessions
- Week four- 1-2 60 minute sessions
- Week five – 1 90 min session
- Ongoing as needed for swelling and discomfort.

Lymphatic Massage for
Oral Care
Much of the pain associated with dental procedures comes from swelling. Manual lymphatic drainage after dental procedures will reduce postoperative facial swelling and discomfort from having the mouth propped open for extended periods. This swelling can be reduced with gentle lymph massage to the neck, face, jaw, ears, and skull, which helps:
- Accelerate your healing process and recovery time
- Allow fluid to exit the surgical site more quickly
- Flush anesthesia and medication out of the system
- Reduce the need for further pain medication
- Clear away toxins such as anesthesia and numbing agents
- Bring more oxygen, nutrients, and white blood cells to the surgical area
Procedures benefited include tooth removal, wisdom tooth removal, abscessed tooth removal, root canal, dental cavitation surgery, and dental implants. A typical treatment schedule may include:
- Week one: 2 sessions
- Week two: 1 session
- Week 3 onward: as needed for pain and swelling

Lymphatic Massage for
Breast Health
Breast Sensitivity
Tender breasts before and during menses can be helped profoundly with lymphatic therapy during the week before the period starts, as well as other PMS symptoms. Patients often find that after several regular treatments, breast sensitivity is greatly improved.
Recovery after Breast Implant or Explant Surgery
Lymphatic therapy also helps your body recover faster from breast implant or explant surgery with less scarring and swelling. Breast surgery is a big decision and you want the best possible outcome. Lymphatic therapy will help your body adapt to having the implant and recover faster with less scarring and swelling. Breast implant surgery is a fairly major surgery, and is quite taxing on the immune system, especially if the implant has been leaking. Lymphatic therapy will boost white blood cell count and remove cellular waste from the tissues, so the body can detoxify more effectively. And as with any other surgery, healing and scar formation will be improved.
Recovery after Breast Cancer Treatment
More than one in five patients who undergo breast cancer treatment will develop breast cancer related lymphedema of the breast and/or arm and hand. This can happen as a result of breast cancer surgery and or radiation therapy and can start anywhere from weeks to months and sometimes even years after the surgery. Research suggests that in younger women, weight seems to be a factor in developing lymphedema. Manual lymphatic drainage is a safe and effective way to both prevent and minimize uncomfortable swelling of the back, breast, armpit, arm and hand after a mastectomy or lumpectomy. For the best results in this situation, lymphatic massage should be considered as a preventative treatment rather than waiting for symptoms to develop.
For optimal results, weekly lymphatic massage sessions are recommended until symptoms resolve.

Lymphatic Massage for
A growing fetus needs a healthy environment to develop and thrive. Your lymphatic system is key to that process, as well as boosting immunity and carrying away harmful toxic buildup, while reducing inflammation. Lymphatic massage after the first trimester helps the body adapt to the changes pregnancy puts the body through, including:
- swelling of the legs
- breast tenderness
- hormonal changes
- varicose veins
- heavy limbs
- puffy face
Additionally, lymphatic massage during pregnancy helps avoid the need for compression stockings and certain medications. Sessions can be scheduled weekly, biweekly, or as needed for discomfort.

Lymphatic Massage for
Postpartum Issues
New moms can benefit greatly from lymphatic massage. Lymphatic massage after childbirth helps:
- normalize milk flow
- resolve mastitis
- increase energy levels
- shed excess mommy weight
- speed up healing and minimize scarring from a C-section.
Plus, what new mom doesn’t want a 90 minute nap from time to time? Sessions can be scheduled weekly, biweekly, or as needed for discomfort.

Red Light Therapy
Red Light Therapy is a non-invasive, safe, and pain-free LED-based light therapy that uses red and infrared light. After exhaustive research and observing the benefits first-hand, Madelyn sees this red LED light therapy as one of the most exciting new breakthrough technologies in achieving optimal health. This therapy is one of the latest advancements in non-invasive inflammation reduction and skin rejuvenation technology. It can help:
- Open cells and flush fat and other toxins from the body through the lymphatic system
- Promote a healing response in the body’s cells
The number of Red Light Therapy sessions depends on your specific goals. Madelyn will individually customize a program to suit your needs.
Glow and Flow Sessions
The Glow and Flow program offers enhanced wellness by bundling Red Light therapy with Lymphatic massage sessions at a discounted rate. Light therapy and lymphatic massage work synergistically to optimize overall health and wellness.
(805) 705-3540
200 N. La Cumbre Road
Santa Barbara 93110
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Lymph Flow For Life provides gentle, nurturing support for the body’s natural healing and regulating processes.